Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trying for Green

Over the course of the past year, "going green" went from a trickle to a steady drip in my life. I'd like to get to a good, strong stream.

I'm not going to be flip and say that going green is easy. For most of us, it requires making changes. And change is hard. Learning new habits, unlearning old ones...all hard.

And it can be overwhelming. I'm big on reading everything I can find on a topic and of course there's an endless amount of information on greening your life. And I have to say that as excited as I may start out with a book or website, by the end, I often feel completely inadequate and like what I can do wouldn't possibly make a dent in our world's environmental concerns.

That's when I need to stop, take a breath and remember that I'm making these changes because of how they make me feel. I feel intensely satisfied by making environmentally and healthy choices for me, for my family and for my community.

And community is huge. There's nothing like surrounding yourself with people who share your passions. That's why I've created this blog. To connect with others who feel the way I do. Who are doing their best and trying for green.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh ... I am going to love this blog! I've read all of your posts so far and am hooked ... can't wait for another post!

    Living green can be very discouraging at times, especially when the "big guys" don't seem to care and profit trumps doing the right thing. But then I walk into my favorite store and see almost everyone carrying a reusable bag or I ask for an Eco-friendly "doggie bag" at a restaurant (instead of Styrofoam) and they say no problem. I'm a firm believer that a lot of little things add up to create huge changes. Here's another thing that gives me hope ... there are a whole lot of people trying to raise "green" kids ... talking to them about reducing, reusing and recycling ... and kids "get it". So, the next generation is going to be so much kinder to the earth.

    I've added your blog to my green blog roll and I'm going to tweet and stumble you!

    Take Care!

    Small Footprints
